Thursday, July 5, 2012


What is up with the bugs this year? At least two to three times a week I run at dusk and I know the bugs come out around this time. But this year has been rediculous. I usually wear my sun glasses (photochromatic) just to protect my eyes, but the darn gnats still some how make it through. Also, I've never had so many stick to me before. (See photo, and yes, I need to shave)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Motivation (or lack there of)

I started making this post in August of 2011.   I didn't get too far, just a title, but I suppose the title fitting.  At the time, I didn't have too much motivation to do, well, anything.  Running was slumping, but that was mainly because of a nagging injury.  Work was depressing, I just was sick of what I was doing (everything).  So what has changed that I'm actually making this post.  A couple things:

  • Birth of  my second child in December
  • Started a new job in February
So sure, those are pretty life changing things that would motivate you to do something.  I'm running more than ever, hopefully smarter.  I've done 3 races this year so far and I am planning on doing several more including 2-3 half marathons.  At one of the races I bumped in to an old teammate, so hopefully we can get together sometime.

The new job has been good, more focused on one thing.  Everyone has been really great there.

Finally, my second daughter has been great.  Healthy, calm, perfect.  Not really much more to say.